Okay seriously, ask yourself- are you REALLY happy??
Do yourself a big favor, and fix yourself before you try and fix others. I am nothere to tell anybody what to do, I just want to help you as I help myself. I too have my
daily struggles, I get angry a stupid things, I don't exercise enough, and I worry about
things that I have no control over from time to time. To love others you too must love yourself.
Take care of yourself, and give your body what it needs. Being healthy is just
a part of it. Love is such a small word, but it's meaning is powerful and most people
don't know what it really is. Love is an overwhelming energy that comes from
God, and it's unconditional. Can you really say you love your enemies? Probly not, I know
it's hard, but if you can learn to love EVERYBODY, I promise you, you will feel
the greatest feeling you have ever felt in your life!!!! Try it for a day and tell me I'm lying.
For one day out of your whole life just change- when you wake up in the morning thank God,
and don't complain about being tired, eat a well balanced breakfast, skip the t.v. and read the news.
Go to work and say hello and smile to EVERYONE you catch eye contact with, even your annoying coworkers, and boss. Ask your coworkers how they are, think of others instead of yourself. If something goes wrong during the day, wait before you get upset and think, is it really worth it to get all worked up. Breath, and trust in God, it will be okay.
When you get home eat a well balanced dinner, ask your loved ones how their day went. Then
treat your self with a bowl of icecream and a bubble bath with candles. If you gotta skip a t.v. show to do it, it's worth it. Before you go to bed give thanks, don't ask for anything he knows what you need, and pray for others. Just try it for a day!!!!!!!!
'Fake it before you make it' In other words, if you go on everyday, and act likethe problems and worries you have don't bother you, eventually they really wont.
Learning to love is hard work, but with God anything is possible. And when you try
everyday to be nice to people, and they aren't nice back don't be discouraged, just know
Jesus had it much worse than you did.
I love you all
Words for thought:
So do not worry, saying, 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we drink?' or 'What shall we wear?' For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.
Mathew 6:25
for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation. whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or want.
philippians 4:11
I love you all God Bless!!!!!!
I really like your post its cool and now that I'm reading it i ask myself lots of questions